Tuesday 1 January 2013


What are the Different Types of ANOREXIA?

Anorexia can be categorized into TWO groups:

Restricting Type

The first type of anorexia called 'restricting' is found in anorexics who limit their food/calorie intake severely and/ they partake in excessive physical exercise to  cause weight loss.

Binge Eating/Purging Type

This type of anorexia is found in those anorexics who binge eat (eat excessive amounts) and then purge (get rid of) their body of that food by either:
  • self-induced vomiting
  • ingestion of large quantities of laxatives
  • overuse of diuretics and enemas to rid the body of food
Both of these types cause immense harm to the body and have various negative complications and side effects-both long term-and short-term.

Sign our petition

Please support our campaign by signing our petition against airbrushing models in magazines:

This petition is campaigning against the use of airbrushing models in magazines, creating a surreal image that teenage girls will do anything to achieve. This often leads to young girls dieting and developing eating disorders such as anorexia in pursuit for a perfect body.

If you disagree with this type of airbrushing used in magazines, please sign this petition to help us stop it.

Media ?!

Media's influence on ANOREXIA

The media influences everyone in different ways. One of these ways is encouraging young girls to become skinny and almost anorexic like the perfect people they portray, be it on television, magazines or any other type of media.

One of the main reasons for anorexia to be common amongst teenage girls is because of the influence the media has on them. During adolescent years, girls are easily influenced about how their bodies should look so they look to magazines, TV adverts and other types of media to show them what they should look like.

Here are some examples of how media influences anorexia.

1.       Women in movies and television programmes are often made to look very pretty with nice physics. This makes young girls feel insecure about how they look, and wanting to look more like their favourite actress or singer.

2.       Over 50% of advertisements and commercials are related to attractiveness, for example diet plans and pills that help lose weight. This then leads to young girls eating unhealthy diets and overusing pills rather than eating healthy diets.

3.       Models are portrayed with perfect bodies and physics, yet the majority of these models fit the criteria to be considered anorexic, so media is promoting that being anorexic is beautiful.

4.       The internet provides worldwide information about what ever topic, but seeking knowledge on diets and improving ones physical looks are one of the most popular searches on the internet.

5.       Magazines are very common amongst young girls, and magazines these magazines often use underweight models and airbrushed pictures to make models appear physically perfect. Also some magazines provide weight loss programs or food charts, influencing girls to lose weight.

What is ANOREXIA ?

What is ANOREXIA ?

Anorexia falls under one of many eating disorders. It can be defined as a general loss of appetite or having no interest in food.

Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss, usually 15% below the person's normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but see themselves as being overweight. This weight loss is obtained by many ways, for example some of the common techniques are excessive exercise, taking an overdose of pills and not eating.
Anorexic people have a strong fear of becoming fat and this fear is what triggers their developing habbits of losing weight. They continue to think they are overweight even after they become extremely thin and ill.

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is defined as a psychological disorder. The patient has a distorted body image and an unreasonable fear of becoming overweight - so they deliberately attempt to lose weight.

Anorexia Nervosa comes with more problems, such as:
  • Low blood pressure
  • Risk of heart failure
  • Anemia
  • Dehydration
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness or fainting
    It is one of the two most common types of eating disorders affecting mainly girls and women (although boys and men can also suffer from it).

    The Media is also a cause

    Some think anorexia is caused by the part of society that places a strong value on being thin. The media bombards society with thin models and tells uand portrays being thin to be beautiful. Weight loss products are heavily marketed, and young girls are often made to believe they need to loose weight and go on diets in order to be beautiful.